


范文:Chongqing hot pot, also known as MAO belly hot pot or spicy hot pot, is one of the traditional Chinese way of eating. 重庆火锅又称毛肚火锅或麻辣火锅,是中国传统饮食方式之一。 It originated in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties in Chongqing Jialing River bank, the dish is also chaotianmen and other dock boat trappers extensive dining way, its main raw materials are ox hair belly, pig yellow throat, duck intestine, ox blood wang.其起源于明末清初的重庆嘉陵江畔、该菜式也是朝天门等码头船工纤夫的粗放餐饮方式,其主要原料是牛毛肚、猪黄喉、鸭肠、牛血旺等。Hotpot materials include everything, dishes developed to hundreds of varieties.火锅选料包罗万象,菜品发展到几百种。Including edible things in the food kingdom, dishes have been expanded to poultry, aquatic products, seafood, game, animal viscera, all kinds of vegetables and dried fresh fruit and so on.囊括了食物王国里可食用之物,菜品已扩大到家禽、水产、海鲜、野味、动物内脏、各类蔬菜和干鲜菌果等。 Chongqing people eat hot pot bold and bold with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers is other areas can not be compared.重庆人吃火锅的豪放与气吞山河之势是其他地区无法相比的。This is the embodiment of the Bayu food culture, is the expression of the ancient Ba nation brave and bold personality and food culture psychology.这正是巴渝饮食文化的体现,是古老巴民族勇武豪放性格和饮食文化心理的表现。



你好! 庆火锅的介绍: Chongqing Hot Pot: Hot pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste, scalding yet fresh and tender. People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal, electric or g。



Hot pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing.Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty,which is noted for its peppery and hot taste,scalding yet fresh and tender.People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal,electric or gas filled with flavorful and nutritious soup ***.You have a choice of spicy,pure and combo for the soup base.Thin sliced raw variety meat,fish,various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup ***.You then dip them in a little bowl of special ***.Be careful since the spicy soup base is burning hot.。



重庆火锅的介绍 Chongqing Hot Pot: Hot pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste, scalding yet fresh and tender. People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal, electric or gas filled with flavorful and nutritious soup base. You have a choice of spicy, pure and combo for the soup base. Thin sliced raw variety meat, fish, various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base. You then dip them in a little bowl of special sauce. Be careful since the spicy soup base is burning hot. First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city. There are a great variety of hotpots, including Yueyang Hotpot, Four Tastes Hotpot, Yashan Hotpot and Fish Head Hotpot. If you are adventurous enough, you can basically cook anything with hot pot, e.g., pig's brain and duck's kidney. Chongqing people love their hotpot, especially when the weather is steamy. The fire dances under the pot, the heavily oiled and spiced soup boils with hazy steam, and the people are bathed in sweat. Although hotpot can be found wherever there are street vendors or small restaurants, chongqing Hot pot has the greatest variety and is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce. Chongqing Malatang: The other famous local food is hot and spicy Mala Tang. Literally, "ma" means numbness in the mouth, "la" is chili hot and "tang" means piping hot. Mala Tang, with various raw ingredients cooked in a communal pot of steaming stock blended with spices, originated in Sichuan's largest city, Chongqing. The double-sided soup pot, placed on a central table burner, is the focal point of the meal. Powerfully hot Mala Tang soup and fresh tasting chicken broth, side by side, are popular. Ingredients include fresh sliced abalone, sea cucumber, hog tendon, Beijing cabbage and beef dumpling, prawns, carp fish fillet, bean curd, chicken fillet and vegetables. The excellent dipping mixture of sesame oil, chili sauce, peanut sauce, chopped chilies and garlic combine to make magic. Savory tidbits are appetizingly tasty - egg coated glutinous square, crispy spring roll, fried buns, eight treasure black rice and water chestnut jelly.。

英语翻译 我将要去吃重庆的火锅

5、英语翻译 我将要去吃重庆的火锅

I am going to eat the ChongQing hotpot。



重庆火锅火锅 - 重庆最著名和最受欢迎的一种吃食。重庆当地居民将其视为当地特产,它的特点是麻辣烫(胡椒-- 和辣椒),但却爽口刺激。人们围坐在汤汁翻滚的火锅旁 -- 这个火锅以木炭、电、或气为燃料,汤底富含美味和营养。你可以选择辣味的、原味的或是混合型(鸳鸯)汤底。 切成薄片的各种生肉、鱼、各式豆制品及各类蔬菜,都可用来在沸腾的汤里涮。然后,把涮熟的食物蘸上小碗中的特制酱料(就可以食用了)。要注意的是,锅底的汤处于沸点,很烫。(火锅)最初是重庆地区长江上贫苦船工们的吃食,后来向西普及,遍布整个四川。现在,它更是重庆这座城市的最爱,各个角落都能看到它的踪迹,而且这类繁多 ,包括岳阳火锅、四味火锅、崖山火锅、鱼头火锅,等。 如果你有足够冒险精神,你可以在火锅中涮制任何食物,比如猪脑、鸭胗等。重庆人喜爱他们的火锅,尤其是潮湿的天气里。火焰在锅下起舞,浮着厚厚一层油的浓香的锅底汤升腾着雾气,人们大汗淋漓。 尽管提供火锅食品的可能是街头小贩、或是路边小馆,但它千变万化的品种和美味的汤底以及特制的蘸料则是天下无双的。
