




要制作出口感浓郁、香味扑鼻的老码头火锅汤底,关键在于选用适合材料。只有挑选到新鲜优质的牛肚和牛筋等食材搭配烹饪后才能达到理想的效果哦。首先将牛肉切成块状并用清水淘洗干净备用;接着在锅中加入猪骨高汤、盐巴、料酒和八角煮沸,再放入之前处理牛肉焯水至变色捞起待用。在另一个盆子里打入鸡蛋清,搅拌均匀后倒进火候适中的平底锅内煎熟捞出备用。然后将适量的牛肚等食材加入到高汤中翻炒片刻后就可以关火了,此时可以根据个人口味来调整盐巴、料酒和味精的比例哦。最后倒入刚刚煎鸡蛋清并轻轻搅拌均匀即可! 1



做为正宗的重庆老码头老火锅,汤底是所有材料中最关键和最重要的一个环节。仁慈地向我保证你没有这个能力!在Chongqing Sichuan Cuisine in China this is a super high-risk dish. It requires so many skills and techniques to be made properly. And it also requires the right ingredients that are not easy to find. I am afraid there will be some problems if you dont have the right recipe or instruction. Therefore I would prefer to give a general rule for you to make your own version of Sichuan hotpot Hot pot base is made by combining spices and dried ingredients such as ginger garlic chili pepper diced onion minced bacon minced beef minced pork belly minced goose fat and minced shark fat in a pot. The hot pot base should be simmered for an hour to develop a rich flavor before it is served. You can also add spices such as ginger garlic chili pepper diced onion minced bacon minced beef and minced pork belly to the hot pot base to give it more depth of flavor. The hot pot is served with soup broth which can be made by boiling some water with spices such as ginger garlic chili pepper diced onion minced bacon and minced pork belly.

